Sustainable products for gastronomy, hotel business and retail

about us

our vision

We are a group of enthusiastic people who got aware, that through awareness and responsible action, we can do something good for our home on which we live -our planet. We realized there is no planet B – we really should take care of it !

Our vision is not driven by making profit as much as possible or as cheap a product can be produced. Our vision is to be in a balance with nature as much we can as we as human are being part of the same nature. Everything we take from the eco-system shall be given back in a certain way. We know that is a highly approach, but with our products we make one necessary step towards.

  • what we do
    what we do
  • what we love
    what we love
  • what we need
    what we need
  • how we care
    how we care

you may personalize your own straw

We engrave your bamboo straw with a personal note or your logo
Tell us your idea and we will realize for you

That’s a great idea to show up in your restaurant or hotel
Also as a nice idea for a special event 

what you always wanted to know


What is Plastic

Plastic are macromolecules which consist of repeating monomers, so-called polymers. Polymers are naturally occurring chemical structures. For example, …


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